Saturday, December 26, 2009

so much has been happening.....

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So much has been happening that I have to say I am
sorry about not blogging for so long!!!
There have been birthdays and of course the
holidays and then our very best news of all is that
we are going to be getting another grand baby!!~
Dana and Brent are expecting their first baby
June 14th. We just found out the beginning of December
and we couldn't be more happy!!~This is the best gift
they will ever have and the best one they could give to us! Yippee!!!
I sure hope everyone had an amazing Christmas
and that you are somewhere that you want to be. Whether it
is home by the fire or on vacation or with family. As for us...we will
be home for most of the holidays but we are taking the boys
to Disneyland for a couple of days! We haven't been for
a while and I am very excited about it...
We have been so blessed this year with a happy healthy family! I am
very grateful for all of my blessings and for a great family that
brings me so much "JOY"!
Many wishes for a Happy New Year!!!